After playing the antagonist in the successful Yennai Arindhaal (2015), actor Arun Vijay now plans to start his own production house with In Cinema Entertainment (ICE). His aim is to make ICE a platform for budding directors and actors. Speaking to The New Indian Express, Arun Vijay said that he believes that this is the right time to start a production house as people have started appreciating fresh ideas and new faces. Admitting that he didn’t have the financial resources to fund the production house, he said he would be borrowing money to produce films that could become commercial successes. He plans to get ICE in full-swing by November.
Arun Vijay is currently awaiting the delayed release of Vaa (originally scheduled to release on May 1), which also stars Karthika Nair. He also has Telugu film Bruce Lee and Kannada film Chakra Vyuha in the pipeline. Also, director Gautham Menon had announced that he would be making a film with Arun Vijay in the lead, an announcement that surprised Arun Vijay, who hadn’t yet signed the film.