Director Mohan Raja, who catapulted to the top ranks of directors with Thani Oruvan’s stupendous success, is all set to remake the film in Hindi. The Hindi remake rights have been purchased by Salman Khan Productions, and speculations are rife that the actor might reprise Jayam Ravi’s role in the remake.
Currently, the team is working on the script of the Hindi version. Sources reveal that the cast and crew of the remake will be announced soon.
It is not clear if actor Arvind Swamy, who was much appreciated for his performance as Siddharth Abhimanyu in Thani Oruvan, would reprise his role in the Hindi remake. In a recent interview, Swamy had said that he was ready to act in the remake if Raja wanted him to. However, the actor added that he was not keen about playing the same role in different languages.