Actor Vijay, whose Puli ran into trouble when an income tax (IT) raid was announced just before the film’s release, says he has been prompt in paying his taxes. Speaking to IANS, Vijay said, “My family and I have co-operated well with the IT officials when they raided my house. We also submitted all the documents of my assets.” The IT raid went on for two days at Vijay’s house, as well as at property owned by Puli‘s producers, PT Selvakumar and Shibu Thameens. Last week, the department had raided the residences of actresses Samantha and Nayanthara. The tax officials also released a note alleging that the actor had evaded tax for five years. Further, that all of them combined had evaded taxes worth Rs.25 crores. However, as per the IANS report, Vijay has been paying his income tax, wealth tax, and professional tax.