Despite director AR Murugadoss’ efforts to keep the story of his upcoming movie, Kaththi under wraps, we somehow manage to hear about it. The latest buzz is that actor Vijay will be playing a dual role – as Arvind and Andrew – in the flick. Reportedly, Arvind is the “good guy” who gets into trouble with a criminal mastermind (Neil Nitin Mukesh); but later realises that his real enemy is his lookalike, Andrew. Samantha Ruth Prabhu essays the role of Arvind’s girlfriend, Veni while comedian Sathish is Thanu, the wisecrack.
If the plot sounds similar to Vijay’s earlier offering, Azhagiya Tamizh Magan, we can assure you that you are not alone. But sources close to the Kaththi team are quite sure that the movie will be entirely different. And looks like we have to trust them on this!