After winning the Nadigar Sangam elections, Executive Committee member Poochi Murugan met ex-Chief Minister and actor Karunanidhi. According to a Vikatan report, Karunanidhi wholeheartedly congratulated the newly elected members of the Nadigar Sangam. He also said that the actors should now set aside the differences and work together for the betterment of the Sangam. “Change has occurred and a new team has come forward. I welcome this change,” he said.
This Sunday, actors Nasser, Vishal, and Karthi successfully defeated Sarathkumar, Radha Ravi and SSR Kannan for the posts of President, General Secretary, and Treasurer respectively. Following their success, the Pandavar Ani looked over the Nadigar Sangam land, and also offered a Lifetime Membership card to yesteryear actress Sachu.
Yesterday, at a press meet, actor and former President of the Nadigar Sangam, Sarathkumar said that he would submit the accounts of the institution to Nasser and his team.