Actor Vijayakanth, whose last appearance in a leading role was the 2010 film Virudhagiri, is making a comeback with Tamizhan Endru Sol after a five year sabbatical. Directed by debutant Arun, Tamizhan Endru Sol will feature Vijayakanth as the male lead, and his son Shanmugapandian, of Sagaptham fame, as the second hero. The film will be officially launched this Sunday. Technicians are currently being finalised.
Music director Hip Hop Aadhi, best known for the Thani Oruvan soundtrack, has been roped in to score the music for Thamizhan Endru Sol. This film, will be produced by Govardhani Varadharajan of Tamil Studios Entertainment Media Networks. Kolanji Kumar will be cranking the camera while Varadharaja will be editing the movie.
In 2010, after Virudhagiri, Vijayakanth decided to concentrate on his political career. He is a founder member of the Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) and the current MLA of Rishivandiyam. Despite being away from films, he is an active presence on social networking sites. He is also a popular figure on the Internet due to his involvement in several controversies and a meme culture focused on him.