Nayanthara has replaced Kajal Aggarwal as one of the two female leads in Vikram’s next project with Anand Shankar, an urban-themed film. Kajal Aggarwal reportedly opted out citing date issues. Earlier, Bindu Madhavi had replaced Priya Anand in the cast. The film is expected to begin shooting in January 2016. Parts of the film will be canned in Malaysia. Although the film was announced some time ago, there have been a number of replacements and delays. The project was recently taken over by producer Shibu Thameens. Anand Shankar tweeted,
Yes, happy to have two greatest actors on board. Info on other artists, technicians and title soon. For the first time #Chiyaan#Nayanthara
— Anand Shankar (@anandshank) November 21, 2015