Actor STR, on Sunday, told Thanthi TV that music director Anirudh Ravichander had no connection with the controversial beep song. He requested the media not to pull his name into the issue. However, STR and his father TR Rajender had, earlier, announced that it was Anirudh who had composed the song.
STR and Anirudh have been asked to report to Coimbatore Police Station at the earliest, and the duo, reportedly, have sought one month time.
The VTV actor also announced that he was ready to face the issue. He added that he hadn’t done anything wrong. “When even rapists are being allowed to roam freely, why penalise me? I feel so bad for being potrayed in a wrong manner. The song has lyrics in favor of women. It is disheartening to see women protesting against me.”
Meanwhile, actress Sneha, in a press meet, at Kanchipuram blamed the media and general public for making the songs against women popular.”If we do not listen to such songs, similar songs wouldn’t be made in the future. I haven’t listened to Beep song as of now, but now, since it is being discussed so much, I have an urge to listen to it.”