Tamil News

Kutraparambarai Issue: Rathnakumar Accuses Vela Ramamoorthi Of Plagiarism

Following director Bala’s warning to Bharathiraja and writer Rathnakumar on the Kutraparambarai issue, Rathnakumar has now accused writer Vela Ramamoorthi of stealing his script. Rathnakumar addressed the press yesterday and carried multiple documents as proof that his great grandfather was a victim of the Criminal Tribes Act imposed during British rule in India. He said that the script for Bharathiraja was based on thorough research he had personally conducted on the incidents that took place during that period. He added that the film did not take off due to several reasons.


Rathnakumar said that in 1997, Bharathiraja had discussed the script with Vela Ramamoorthi, who was an upcoming novelist at that time. Vela Ramamoorthi subsequently published his novel Kootanjoru. This is the novel that Bala plans to make a film on. However, Rathnakumar now claims that Kootanchoru is not an original story, and that it was copied from his script with only minor changes.

Rathnakumar has also filed a plagiarism complaint against Ramamoorthi at the Writers Association. Rathnakumar further said, “When we pointed it out to Bala that Kutraparambarai is my story, Bala says he is not making Kutraparambarai into a movie but a portion of Kootanchoru. But in reality, the story of Kootanchoru is nothing but Kutraparambarai.”