Actor Siddharth, who will be working in four projects this year, has announced the details of one of the films, a Tamil-Telugu-Hindi trilingual. The film, tentatively titled as The House Next Door, will be directed by Milind Rau, a close associate of Siddharth. Actress-singer Andrea Jeremiah will be playing the female lead, and the film is expected to have a cast from all the three industries.
#TheHouseNextDoor features a great cast from different industries. Andrea is the female lead opposite me. Exciting film! Hindi-Tamil-Telugu
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) June 10, 2016
Previously, Rau directed Kadhal to Kalyanam, a feature film which remains unreleased. He was also the executive producer of Siddharth’s Jil Jung Juk.
The shoot will begin in August, and will be jointly produced by Viacom18 and Siddharth’s Etaki Entertainment.