Tollywood actress Raashi Khanna will be making her debut in Tamil with Saithaan Ka Bachcha, starring Siddharth in the lead. The film, is a comedy-entertainer that will be directed by Karthik Krish, who previously helmed Kappal (2014).The announcement about the film was made in early June, and now it has been confirmed that Raashi will play the female lead in this film.
The actress, who appeared in commercials before entering films, made her debut with the Telugu film Oohalu Gusagusalade. The film was a success and her performance was noted. She has since done six films including Bengal Tiger and Supreme. Her film Hyper is due for release on Friday.
Directed by Karthik Krish, Saithaan Ka Bachcha‘s crew also has editor Anthony, cinematographer Arvind Singh (of Demonte Colony fame), and art director K Aruswamy. The film is tipped to be a comedy entertainer like Karthik Krish’s last film Kappal. Santhosh Narayanan will be composing music for this film.
Siddharth, on the other hand, is busy working on his first Malayalam film Kammarasambhavam along with actors Dileep and Bobby Simha. The film is directed by Rathish Ambat and penned by actor and scriptwriter Murali Gopi.