Actor Abhishek Bachchan has refuted rumours that he is working on Hera Pheri 3. The 40-year-old star also clarified that the fourth installment of superhit action franchise Dhoom is not in the making right now as the makers are yet to lock the script.
“No, Hera Pheri is not happening right now. We haven’t yet got the script for Dhoom. I have no idea if Aditya Chopra is developing something right now. And also Vijay Acharya, who made the last part of Dhoom is busy making another film. As of right now I don’t know what’s the status of Dhoom. But, I’m sure once they are ready we’ll announce it,” he said.
There has been much buzz about Dhoom 4, with many reporting that Telugu actor Prabhas may play the lead in the film. Prabhas denied the reports saying he has not been approached for any Hindi film so far.
Abhishek, along with Uday Chopra has been the common factor in all the Dhoom films, playing ACP Vijay Dixit.