Director Sarkunam has denied reports that he will make a sequel to his film Kalavani. Earlier this week, the film’s male lead Vimal had told Silverscreen that the team was was ready to work on Kalavani 2.
Now Sarkunam has issued a press release refuting Vimal’s statement. He said, “There have been reports that I will direct Kalavani 2. This is false. At present, I am working with actor Madhavan for a film, and beyond this, I have not signed any other film.”
Actor Vimal chose not to comment on the issue.
Kalavani (2010) was set in rural Thanjavur and charted the rivalry between two neighbouring villages. Vimal played Arivazhagan, an unemployed young man dedicated to spending his father’s money. The film was Sarkunam’s debut directorial, and turned out to be a moderate success. Made on a budget of Rs. 1.5 crore, Kalavani went on to gross approximately Rs 5 crore at the box-office.