Actress Soha Ali Khan, the youngest of the royal Pataudi family, and aunt to the newborn Taimur Ali Khan – son of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan – has spoken up on the controversies surrounding the name. The actress was in Chennai for the launch of a cosmetic clinic and spoke to Deccan Chronicle about her newborn nephew.
“Honestly, Taimur’s name is nobody else’s business. All the comments, especially a few violent ones are targeted against my nephew, who is hardly a few days old, and that leaves me indignant. Sometimes I do feel like responding to these comments and later realise there is no point in doing so. I honestly feel that a lot of these reactions are just manufactured. Even the ‘facts’ they say about Taimur — the conqueror are not accurate. It is just a name, after all. The last time I checked, India was a democracy where you can name your child as you wish.”
The 38-year-old actor was last seen in the period drama, 31st October. The film was widely appreciated by critics and moviegoers alike. The Tum Mile actress says she has been observing Bollywood and beauty perceptions since childhood and feels it has changed for good.