Befikre actress Vaani Kapoor says she is not a part of Thugs of Hindostan, contrary to reports. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan, and is directed by Dhoom 3 director Vijay Krishna Acharya. Despite decades of superstardom in Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan have never worked together on a film before this.
Meanwhile, Vaani Kapoor told Times of India that reports about films she had signed were all rumours. She said, “There have been reports of me doing ‘Fan’ also. It’s all up in the air, all rumours.”
Her latest release Befikre starred Ranveer Singh and had a good run at the box-office. She played the free-spirited Shyra in the film. According to the actress, the biggest compliment for the performance came from the film’s director Aditya Chopra. She said, “My director thought I am the best Shyra he could ever have. That’s the best compliment I got, coming from Adi it becomes all the more special. He said ‘Even today if I have to look back, I can’t see any other person be Shyra. For me you are Shyra for life’.”
However, Vaani Kapoor also said she was aware that not all critics had been appreciative of the film, although she doesn’t understand why. She said, “Personally, deep down as a team we all loved the film. Ranveer (Singh), I, Adi, people who watched the screening before, we always got a good positive response. I feel it’s a good happy film. It really confuses me when I am thinking why won’t people like it.”
Before Befikre, Vaani was best known for Shudh Desi Romance.