Sangeeth Sivan will team up with Madhavan for a new film. The director told DC that the project “would be a family film involving a small daughter and her father.”
The project is a bilingual, and will see Madhavan play a doting father. A spokesperson for Madhavan confirmed the project, and said, “Official announcement regarding the project; and cast and crew will be made soon. Filming is likely to begin around June this year.”
Sivan is also producing a new age horror thriller, directed by Kukku Surendran. “It will mostly feature new talents or young ones who are relatively new. I’ve wanted to do something in Malayalam, was just waiting for the right one,” he told DC.
The team is currently busy casting the lead roles for the project. The film’s cinematography will be taken care of by Manoj Pillai while music is to be composed by Rahul Raj. Sangeeth will wait to see how this project is received before producing another horror film.“If the film goes well, I’ll produce another by June-July.”
Feature Image Courtesy : Deccan Chronicle