Bhumi Pednekar, who is shooting for her second film Toilet – Ek Prem Katha, says it feels like she is making her debut all over again. She will be starring opposite Akshay Kumar. Her debut film was Dum Laga Ke Haisha with Ayushmann Khurana, where she portrayed a plus-sized woman and received rave reviews for her role.
Talking to the Hindustan Times about her second film, Pednekar said, “I have only done two films. So, I don’t know how things are going to be ahead…specially for me, because I feel this is like a re-launch for me. This like me debuting all over again.”
Pednekar also said that her role in this film would be totally different from her first movie. “What I did in Dum Laga Ke Haisha, what I am doing here and the way I look, everything is so different that it will definitely be a test for me all over again,” she said. She had to gain 30 kilos for the film but subsequently shed the extra weight after the film was released.
Toilet – Ek Prem Katha is all set to release on 2 June. The movie is directed by Shree Narayan Singh and is being promoted as a satire.