Actor Rishi Kapoor said there will be no biopic based on his father – Raj Kapoor’s life. At least not immediately. Rishi Kapoor recently launched his autobiography Khullam Khulla: Rishi Kapoor Uncensored, where he was asked a question on biopics and whether film lovers will get to see a biopic on his father. The 64-year-old actor replied, “We have been approached several times in the past. The elders in the family (including older brother Randhir Kapoor and elder sister Ritu Nanda) discussed it and decided to deny permission to everyone who wanted to make a biopic.”
The actor also elaborated on their decision to not do a biopic. “Even though he was a great man who had an illustrious career and his life certainly warrants a biopic, all of us agreed that we wouldn’t let a film be made on his life, at least not in our mother’s (Krishna Raj Kapoor) lifetime.”
Raj Kapoor stole the limelight for his stellar performances in movies like Mera Naam Joker, Vakil Babu, Do Jasoos and many more. The actor later took to direction and delivered hits in the form of Satyam Shivam Sundaram and Ram Tera Ganga Maili.