Telugu actor Sai Dharam Tej’s next film Jawaan was launched recently by actor Junior NTR. Actress Mehreen will be paired with the actor, reports the Indian Express. Tej also tweeted to thank his colleagues:
Thank you #Vinayakgaru @tarak9999 and @sivakoratala garu for gracing us with your presence inspite of being busy team #Jawaan ?
— Sai Dharam Tej (@IamSaiDharamTej) January 30, 2017
The film will be bankrolled by Krishna under Arunachal Creations banner. Other details regarding the film are expected shortly.
Directed by BVS Ravi, Jawaan has Tej essaying the role of a patriot. The film also stars Tamil actor Prasanna in a negative role. “It’s unlike anything he’s done so far in his career. He plays a pivotal role that’s on par with Tej, and he won’t be seen as a typical villain. It’s a thriller with all the elements needed to work as a commercial film. Tej will undergo special makeover and will also shed some weight before we go on floors,” Ravi was quoted saying.
The shooting will begin in March, mostly shot in and around Hyderabad. “We are planning to shoot two songs abroad but we still haven’t finalised locations,” said the director, adding that music director Thaman has already composed three songs.
Meanwhile, Tej will wrap up the shoot of his film Nakshatram, which is being helmed by Krishna Vamsi. He plays a police officer. The film also stars Regina Cassandra, Sundeep Kishan, and Pragya Jaiswal. Thus far, the actor has been taking it easy with few releases per year. Now after Supreme and Thikka, he has three projects lined up for 2017.