Director M Muthaiah has roped in actor/filmmaker Sasikumar for his next film, dropping his previous hero Suriya from the project. The director, reportedly, had to let go of Suriya as the actor is currently busy filming Thaanaa Serndha Koottam.
According to a Sify News report, the film has been titled Kodiveeran as of now, and is expected to be a rural entertainer. The film would also have emotional drama, much like Muthiah’s previous films – Komban, Kutty Puli, Marudhu – and will also explore themes of love and violence in the Tamil Nadu countryside. Kodiveeran will also reportedly focus on the relationship between a brother and sister.
Cinematographer Velraj is the likely choice for this project, which will begin production some time next month in Sivagangai. Some reports speculate that Lyca Productions may bankroll this film. Incidentally, Lyca had earlier purchased the rights for Sasikumar’s Vetrivel, which released last year.
Muthaiah, who had last directed Maruthu, will be teaming up with Sasikumar for the second time. The two had worked together for Kutti Pulli in 2013. Sasikumar was last seen in Balle Vellaiyathevaa which released in December 2016.
The team will soon confirm details about the rest of the cast and crew, including female lead.