The man who had threatened to kill actress Alia Bhatt and her mother Soni Razdan was arrested earlier this week. A spokesperson for Alia Bhatt told Silverscreen that the actress was “supremely grateful” to the Mumbai police and the Uttar Pradesh police for their prompt action in the case, and that she was very relieved at the turn of events.
A bolt from the blue in the form of an extortion call & threat to my family was nipped in the bud by the MH & UP police in tandem.Gratitude!
— Mahesh Bhatt (@MaheshNBhatt) March 2, 2017
According to a Hindustan Times report, the suspect Sandeep Sahu, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, had made abusive and threatening calls to Alia’s father, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Sahu had said that he would “pump bullets” into Alia and her mother Soni if his demands were not met.
Sahu reportedly asked Bhat to transfer Rs. 50 lakh to an account. Reports indicate that Sahu also sent messages on WhatsApp to Mahesh Bhatt.
After Bhatt approached the police for help, the anti-extortion cell of the Mumbai crime branch traced the calls and messages to Sahu. A team was sent to apprehend him.
Sahu is currently being held in police custody. The police are also investigating to determine whether Sahu undertook this offence on his own or whether he had any accomplices.