Bhanupriya has had a good career, by her own admission. The actress debuted as a 14 year old in 1983, with Mella Pesungal in Tamil and Sitaara in Telugu, went on to act in over a 100 films, won two Tamil Nadu State Awards, two Nandi awards, and a Filmfare award. She will now join Jyothika, Urvashi, and Saranya Ponvannan in the much anticipated film Magalir Mattum.
In an interview to The Hindu, she talked about her role, and why women need more well-written roles.
The actress has taken enough breaks between movies, to raise her daughter, and to do her own things. She said, “It’s been a very interesting journey, and I was never once bored with what I was doing. I guess it is because I took a break whenever I felt the need to. Be it marriage or raising my daughter, I did it with total involvement.”
Therefore, her role and the film need to be especially well made, for her to come back to the big screen. “The minute Bramma narrated this script, I wanted to take it up. I’m doing something different from what I’ve done so far, and it’s refreshing to be part of a team that thinks out of the box. I’ve previously green-lighted projects that never turned out the way they were narrated; and so, I want to take my time signing new ones.”
Bhanupriya also said that she likes the films being released now, as they seem to be written better. “It’s not often that senior actors are offered good roles. I’m envious of what’s being written for women in Bollywood and Hollywood. Something nuanced, layered…something that feeds the artiste. In fact, I think one of the reasons for the response to the Magalir Mattum trailer is that women are bonding on screen after a long time,” she added.
The Magalir Mattum trailer shows the four leads – Jyothika, Urvashi, Bhanupriya, and Saranya – talking about the total number of dosas they’ve made, collectively, for the family. The number is in excess of 3 lakhs. In return, none of the women have received a single dosa made for them, by their family.
A viral campaign followed which asked men to make dosas for their wife.
While the The Hindu story mentions that Magalir Mattum is her comeback film, Bhanupriya featured in the recently released Sivalinga. She plays the mother of Ritika Singh in the film.
Also Read: Magalir Mattum is based on a true story: Bramma
Pic: The Hindu