Members of the Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC) have filed a complaint against the piracy website Tamil Rockers after they uploaded the pirated version of the recently released Baahubali 2 on several of their websites. Referring to them as the “Internet mafia”, TFPC – with its President Vishal Krishna leading the team – have approached the commissioner of police to take legal action.
TFPC had received a complaint from the makers of the film, where producers claimed losses soon after the film was uploaded on various websites. The TFPC have identified several IP addresses run by Tamil Rockers and have submitted a complaint against them.
Tamil Rockers – a site that routinely leaks pirated versions of new releases on the same day – has been at loggerheads with several members of the TFPC for a while. Vishal and KE Gnanavel Raja (Honourary Secretary) have often launched a tirade against the Internet pirates.
Keeping up their promise of bringing down piracy, TFPC’s mission includes getting hold of Tamil Rockers and the piracy nexus prevalent in south India.