Actor Arya has reportedly been approached for a role in Prabhu Deva’s directorial, Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja. According to The Times of India report, while a source had confirmed Arya’s role, the actor himself isn’t sure.
“I haven’t received any information from the team. However, as this project is aimed at the benefit of Nadigar Sangam, I might be approached. I don’t know.”
The movie marks Prabhu’s return to direction after six years. He spoke to IANS last month about meeting director K Subhash during his last days: “When I met him last year, he told me he wasn’t sure if he would be around to see the film. I told him everything is going to be alright. Unfortunately, he left us even before we could start the project. I would like to dedicate this film to him.” K Subash is known for directing the 1990 Vijayakanth-starrer Sathriyan, and even penned the script for the Bollywood movie, Chennai Express.
Speaking at the film’s launch last month, Vishal said the film was about two friends with contrasting characters, and would be a memorable film reminiscent of Sholay. Vishal added that a part of their salaries would be donated to the Nadigar Sangam building fund.
Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja stars Karthi Sivakumar, Vishal Krishna, and Sayyesha Saigal, with music by Harris Jayaraj.