Jr NTR’s revenge drama Jai Lava Kusa is apparently inspired from Ajith Kumar’s Varalaaru. The actor has triple roles in film, which is directed by KS Ravindra (Bobby). Ajith, too, had triple roles in Varalaaru, directed by KS Ravikumar.
A source told Deccan Chronicle, “Ajith played three roles, a father and two sons, and one character is completely negative till the end. Jr NTR’s upcoming film is on these lines although director Bobby made a few changes to the original to make it more interesting.”
Produced by Kalyan Ram, Jai Lava Kusa is being shot in and around Hyderabad. Raashi Khanna is the female lead while Devi Sri Prasad handles the music.
Update: Following the publication of this news item, a PR for the film, Mahesh Koneru, got in touch with Silverscreen to deny the rumours. Hence, Jai Lava Kusa is not inspired by ‘Varalaaru’.