Tubelight, the Salman Khan-Kabir Khan film, may not release in Pakistan. Among other reasons given are that two Pakistani films are coming out around Eid, and a Sallubhai film will eat up their audience. This comes only a day after Salman Khan called for peace between India and Pakistan, and said that those asking for war should be sent to the battlefield.
Tubelight is produced by Salman Khan films, and is directed by Kabir Khan. The film features Chinese actress Zhu-Zhu, and Salman’s brother Sohail Khan as well. The film will hit screens on June 23 across India – to coincide with the end of the Ramzan month, and Eid. The production house has partnered with Yash Raj Films to distribute it internationally, too. However, the makers haven’t found a distributor willing to take on the film in Pakistan.
Pakistani film industry insiders say that given Salman Khan’s huge popularity in the country, his film may overpower two Pakistani films that are releasing on Eid. Yalghaar, billed as Pakistan’s first international film, and Sharabha will struggle to find its viewers if Tubelight is also running in the theatres.
“Salman has millions of fans in Pakistan and the filmmakers are in no mood to pitch their films against his. They are determined to protect the interests of their films instead,” Hirachand Dand – President of the Indian Film Exporters Association – said.
The Indian Express quotes Amar Bhutala – the COO of Salman Khan Films, as saying “It is not true, Tubelight will definitely release in Pakistan, but I cannot confirm a release date.” Later, Amar also said, “Salman Khan Films is committed to taking Tubelight to markets across the globe with our overseas distributors Yash Raj Films. Salman has a huge following in Pakistan, which has only grown with the positive messaging on Bajrangi Bhaijaan. We hope to release Tubelight in Pakistan as well, and our efforts continue in that direction, but we respect the law of the land and judiciary if they decide otherwise.”