Uma Riyaz Khan says there are not enough roles in the industry for actors. “I don’t know why the industry has changed like this. How can directors figure out if this actor will be good for a role or not? We can prove ourselves only if we’re given an opportunity. Such opportunities have become very rare indeed for the last few years. The pain that we feel when we’re rejected without someone even taking a chance on us.”
“My husband also faces the same issue. The Malayalam industry folks think he’s busy in Tamil, while the Tamil directors think he’s busy there. Without even asking us, they make decisions that affect our career and yes, even our personal life.”
Uma Riyaz says that her mother, Kamala, instilled in her a strong desire to not give up even when things became troublesome. “Life for an actor is quite difficult. When my friends and family keep asking me why I am not in films anymore, I feel so sad. But, I never let it get to me. This is because of my mother and the way she constantly cautioned me against making bad choices. This is why I am where I am, and other actors are not able to handle even the slightest rough periods in their lives.”