Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s upcoming movie, Tubelight might release in Pakistan after all. The CEO of Salman Khan films, Amar Bhatula told Indian Express, “Tubelight will definitely release in Pakistan too but I cannot confirm a release date.”
Bhatula said that the production house would make every effort to ensure Tubelight’s release. “Salman has a huge following in Pakistan, which has only grown with the positive messaging on Bajrangi Bhaijaan. We hope to release Tubelight in Pakistan as well, and our efforts continue in that direction, but we respect the law of the land and judiciary if they decide otherwise,” he added.
According to an IANS report, the reason for delay in the film’s release plans is an already jam-packed schedule for Eid. “Until yesterday, the distributor in our territory had not been finalised. We already have two major Pakistani films, as well as Pirates of Caribbean, Transformers and Mummy announced.”
Tubelight has been directed by Kabir Khan and will hit the screens in India on 25 June. The movie stars Zhu Zhu, Sohail Khan, late actor Om Puri in pivotal roles.