The newly approved Goods and Service Tax (GST), which comes to effect from July 1, has led to the delay of certain Tamil films. The release of Vijay Sethupathi and Madhavan’s Vikram Vedha, produced by Sashikanth’s Y Not productions, is now uncertain. Vikram Vedha was earlier on track to release next week on July 7. Selvaraghavan’s Nenjam Marapathillai, which was scheduled to release tomorrow, has also been postponed.
Speaking to Silverscreen, Sashikanth said the current situation did not bode well for the Tamil film industry. He said, “There is so much confusion in the market right now. It is better to wait till Sunday night, watch how the GST effect goes and then take a call on the film’s release. Our target is July 7, but it looks uncertain for now. We will have to wait, as so much money involved in this business. So, we want to see the effect of GST and, if conditions are favorable for a release, then we will decide about how to go about it.”
Vikram Vedha is directed by Pushkar-Gayathri. The main cast also includes Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Shraddha Srinath.