Kalyani, daughter of director Priyadarshan and actress Lissy, might make her acting debut in Akhil Akkineni’s next. Kalyani, who made her cinema debut as assistant director in Iru Mugan, has reportedly been approached to play the lead in director Vikram Kumar’s film.
“She has been approached and the film could mark her acting debut, if she gives the nod. However, the makers are keeping their options open. They want a fresh face for the leading lady of the film… They are also keen to cast someone who is a good performer,” a source tells Deccan Chronicle.
While she is yet to officially come on board, reports suggest that the makers have auditioned other actresses but are keener on Kalyani.
Vikram Kumar’s film officially went on the floors in April this year, and marks Annapurna Studios’ 29th production. The film will be Akhil Akkineni’s second in a lead role.
Feature Image: Catch News