Kabir Bedi did not mince words when he recently took to Twitter to complain about the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and the way it is being run by chief Pahlaj Nihalani. Tagging the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, Bedi tweeted about the board’s reluctance to allow the use of words ‘cow’ and ‘Hindutva’ in the documentary on Amartya Sen.
Censor Board has no idea how much it is damaging India’s image with their stupid demands. Pahlaj Nihalani is a disaster. @PMOIndia https://t.co/RUcsRRR1f1
— KABIR BEDI (@iKabirBedi) July 13, 2017
This week, a documentary on Amartya Sen, titled The Argumentative Indian, was refused a U/A certificate, as the filmmaker, economist Suman Ghosh, did not give in to the CBFC’s order of muting the words “Gujarat,” “cow,” “Hindutva view of India,” and “Hindu India”.
The CBFC also recently demanded 14 cuts in Madhur Bhandarkar’s film, Indu Sarkar. The film is set in the backdrop of the emergency and is perceived to be damaging to the memory of the late Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. As a consequence, senior Congress leaders have spoken out against the film, and this has proved to be controversial.
Earlier, Pahlaj Nihalani refused to allow the word ‘intercourse’ in the trailer of Jab Harry Met Sejal, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma. Nihalani then lost a challenge – that he would include the word if he received one lakh votes on social media – to Mirror Now