The Gujarat High Court has granted an interim stay on criminal proceedings against Shah Rukh Khan. The case pertains to a promotional incident gone wrong at the Vadodara Railway station that left one man dead, and several injured. The actor was promoting his Raees at the time.
The actor was granted relief by a bench comprising Chief Justice R Subhash Reddy and Justice V M Pancholi, which also stayed the Vadodara court summons to him.
Khan’s lawyer appraised the court of the case and said that he was not responsible for the ruckus that was created at the Vadodara railway station on January 23.
Khan’s plea will next be heard on September 25.
This does not mean that Khan’s legal troubles are at an end, though. The actor has been summoned to appear before the Enforcement Directorate in the foreign exchange violation adjudication case. SRK will be asked to explain the alleged undervaluation of shares linked with his Kolkata Knight Riders team in the Indian Premier League (IPL).