Mumaith Khan, one of the contestants on the Telugu version of Bigg Boss, will leave the show in order to appear for questioning before the Special Investigation Team. This pertains to the drug racket unveiled recently by the Drug Enforcement Wing in Telangana.
While Bigg Boss Hindi allowed housemates to return to the show after emergency departures, it is not known at this point whether it would be the same for Mumaith and the Telugu version.
Reportedly, names and contact details of ten celebrities were found on the cell phone of the main accused in the racket. At present, the celebrities are under suspicion of being drug users.
Director Puri Jagannath was questioned by the SIT recently for over ten hours. Shyam Naidu, popular cinematographer, was also brought in for questioning. Actor Subbaraju was interrogated as well. Hair and nail samples from all the celebrities questioned have been sent for forensic examination.
SIT plans to interrogate the celebrities under suspicion till July 27 this month.