CBFC Chief Pahlaj Nihalani has sent notices to the IIFA organisers, Wizcraft International, for portraying him in bad light in one of their skits. Taking umbrage at the fact that he was referred to as ‘watchman’ by Riteish Deshmukh and Maniesh Paul in one of their acts, Nihalani now wants the organisers to apologise to him on numerous platforms.
According to a Deccan Chronicle report, the five-page notice states that similar defamatory acts happened at the IIFA in 2016 in a skit by Farhan Akhtar and Shahid Kapoor. The notice wants the organisers to take a pledge not to defame Nihalani in the future. He said, “The matter has gone legal now, so I’ll say only one thing. I know when to laugh and when to make others cry. These people forget they insult not me, but the position held by me as the chairperson of the CBFC. It’s time to let them know the joke is not on me.”
Earlier, Nihalani had slammed the award show, calling it pointless since the stars’ expenses were pretty much paid for, and that the Indian government does not benefit from this global event. He also added that IIFA lost its relevance long ago, when Amitabh Bachchan cut ties as the brand ambassador of the award show.
Pic: Logical Indian