Shah Rukh Khan is on a promotional spree ahead of the release of Jab Harry Met Sejal. The actor, at an event, said that many people blame him and his ‘lover image’ for spoiling their love lives.
“Everyday I meet at least five people who tell me, ‘You spoilt our life, we can’t be like you’. My answer to them would be, ‘It wouldn’t be so spoilt if you just asked your woman what she wants. You never took the time to ask her’.
SRK then recalled an instance when he turned down a popular director who approached him with a love story.
“I really believed the director wasn’t sensitive enough, he just wanted to do a love story. You don’t just do a love story; you make it, feel it, live it. And I think Imtiaz is like that. I may not be romantic, but I am extremely sensitive.
“To me, it can’t be a person with a lesser level of sensitivity directing me in a love story. I find Imtiaz sensitive, dignified. These are not filmmaking qualities, these are personal qualities which translate into your films or acting.”
Jab Harry Met Sejal is slated to release on August 14 this year. The film has SRK in the role of a tour guide. Anushka Sharma is the female lead.