Malayalam actor Mohanlal will be making his television debut with Lal Salaam, which is scheduled to go on air tonight at 8 PM on Amrita TV. The show will feature 100 episodes, and going by its recently-released promos, it appears to be a chat show.
Well-known faces like actress Manju Warrier, KPAC Lalitha, Nedumudi Venu, KS Chithra, Stephen Devassy, etc, will appear on the programme in its first few episodes. The show is expected to be a platform for the actor to connect with his audience more.
With his own show, Mohanlal now joins the league of his contemporaries like Kamal Haasan, Junior NTR, and Chiranjeevi, who are all TV hosts.
Meanwhile, Mohanlal is busy wrapping up Odiyan and is gearing up for the release of Velipadinte Pusthakam, a Lal Jose film due to hit the screens on September 1.