Actor Akshay Kumar said that the romance in his Toilet: Ek Prem Kathao was written in such a way that he remembered it more than anything else from the film. “I never make a social film with lot of commercial material; I make sure that there is a love story. To be honest I remember the love story more than anything else in this (Toilet: Ek Prem Katha) film,” he said.
The actor was speaking at an event to mark the success of the social message film when he made these comments.
Kumar said that this wasn’t his first ‘social film’. “This isn’t my first social film, long ago I did a film called ‘Khatta Meetha’ which didn’t do well on box office. It was about road construction and issues around it, but I think it takes time for people to get into a social mood,” he added.
Akshay Kumar also dismissed any and all comparisons toyesteryear actor Manoj Kumar. “He is a big man and the films he made cannot be compared to any others,” he said.
The film deals with open defecation and its consequences, and so the Government has stepped in to screen the film for free in many places in India, in a bid to create awareness, Kumar said.
“Many places the government themselves are showing it… I have heard they are doing it currently in Haryana. Many villages in UP are screening the film. I just heard that even Doordarshan wants to show the film very soon so that maximum people can watch it as soon as possible.”
Bhumi Pednekar, who plays the female lead in the film, said that films like these help us evolve into better human beings.
“These kind of films start a conversation which should have started maybe 20 years ago, it helps our society evolve. I definitely think more of these films should be made and if this is a revolution then it’s a great one. It’s high time this happens,” said Bhumi.
Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, directed by Shree Narayan Singh and co-produced by Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey, is a comedy that attempts to improve the sanitation conditions in India.