Composer Anirudh has reportedly been approached to score music for another Telugu film to be directed by Trivikram. But he has not committed to the project yet, a source said. “He has only one Telugu project confirmed, and had recently signed on CoCo, starring Nayanthara. He is still in talks with the rest.”
Anirudh will soon be making his Telugu debut in Trivikram’s untitled film with Pawan Kalyan, which is currently under production.
Earlier, Anirudh was supposed to be a part of Trivikram’s A Aa, starring Nithin and Samantha. But he’d opted out of the film citing date issues. Reportedly impressed with Anirudh’s work in Pawan Kalyan’s film and also considering his prowess in mass BGM, Trivikram wanted to rope him in for his upcoming venture as well.
On the Kollywood front, Anirudh has Suriya’s Thaana Serndha Koottam and Sivakarthikeyan’s Velaikkaran. The album of Velaikkaran is up for release next.