Actress Taapsee Pannu has teamed up with the students of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai to promote sanitary education among women. According to Mid-Day, the Judwaa 2 actress aims to remove the stigma attached to menstruation.
“I have never understood why menstruation has been a taboo subject, people don’t want to come out in the open and talk about it. Women often use code language to talk about it. That’s probably one of the reasons why the sanitary health of women has not really improved over the years,” she said.
The initiative will also include distributing sanitary napkins to women in rural areas. Taapsee also feels that this ought to be addressed more openly, especially for a country that is quite hush-hush about a woman’s body.
“It’s a natural aspect of womanhood. It needs to be discussed, so people understand it better,” she added.
Actress Sonnalli Seygall, too, joined hands with IIT Mumbai and attended the talk around menstrual hygiene at IIT’s techfest held recently.