Filmmaker Vijay and actor-director Prabhu Deva, who had worked together in last year’s Tamil horror-comedy Devi, are set to reunite for a yet-untitled project in the language.
“It’s true they’re joining hands again for a new project. Vijay sir is wrapping up Karu and as soon as he is relieved of the project, he will start the pre-production for this film. The rest of the cast and crew are yet to be finalised,” a source close to Vijay told IANS.
The genre of the film, to be bankrolled by Trident Arts, is yet unknown. Since his comeback to Tamil cinema with Devi, Prabhu Deva is on signing spree. He is currently working on two Tamil projects which are Yung Mung Sung and Gulebakavali. In the former, he plays a Kung Fu master.
Also, Prabhu Deva might direct a Hindi film before he commences work on this film.