The Tamil Nadu government has decided to reduce the entertainment tax from 10 percent to 8 percent, Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council (TFPC) president Vishal announced after his meeting with government officials over the issue of double taxation and ticket price hike.
The TFPC has cleared the roadblock for Mersal’s release and the film will hit the screens on Diwali as scheduled. “Mersal’s advance booking will start from Monday,” informed Abirami Ramanathan, president of theatre association of Tamil Nadu during the media interaction after the meeting.
“If any theatre demands any amount more than the government fixed ticket price, complaint can be immediately filed,” he said.
With the new development, now the approximate ticket price at a multiplex theatre would be around Rs 200 (including Goods and Services Tax and 8 percent entertainment tax) and additional Rs 30 for internet booking charges. The total ticket price will be approximately around Rs 230. The new ticket price is expected to come into effect from Diwali.