Neil Nitin Mukesh, who debuts in Tamil as the baddie in Kaththi, has dubbed for his portions in the film. The actor told us that he found the experience ‘challenging’ , but was ‘very happy with the output’. “When Murugadoss sir first asked me to dub in Tamil, I was a bit wary. But he made me understand that it was essential to the role I played. He said my accented Tamil would make my character look more menacing onscreen, and so I agreed.” The Kaththi team have been involved in this task since last week and AR Murugadoss is said to be pleased with all their efforts. The first half of the film is complete and only a little portion of the second half is left to be canned. The audio will be launched later this month in Chennai.
Directed by AR Murugadoss and starring Vijay, Kaththi is set for a Deepavali release. Ayngaran International and Lyca Productions bankroll the flick. Samantha Ruth Prabhu plays the love interest while Anirudh Ravichander has scored music.