In two days, hundreds of students from Tamil Nadu are expected to travel to Kerala and Rajasthan (Kota) to write the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). On April 27, the Madras High Court had asked the CBSE to ensure that students be given exam centres in Tamil Nadu, but the CSBE had instead moved an appeal in the Supreme Court, with the latter directing the CBSE to ensure that the same doesn’t happen from next year.
With several students unable to meet their travel expenses, several Kollywood celebrities have reached out to either sponsor or run a fund for the students. Some are even rallying for making the test digital, including actor-politician Kamal Haasan.
“In this digital age, expecting Tamil Nadu students to travel to Kerala and Rajasthan for NEET exam is not fair. The government should facilitate taking exams in the state,” he said.
Makes a lotta sense!!! Whoever it may concern!! Please do consider!!! #DigitalIndia
— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) May 4, 2018
Designer and stylist Vasuki Bhaskar has been posting updates about the numbers and people to reach to for help.
Rajasthan Tamil Sangam in Jaipur have decided2 extend all possible help (Transport, Food,Accommodation & if any required) 2 students who are travelling 2Rajasthan for writing the #NEET exam
Contact :
Mr. Muruganandam 9790783187
Mrs. Soundarvalli 8696922117
Mr.Bharthi 7357023549— vasuki bhaskar (@vasukibhaskar) May 4, 2018
Actor Prasanna has said that he will sponsor the travel expenses of two underprivileged students who are expected to sit for the test.
Wud love to sponsor travel expenses for atleast 2 underprevilleged students or Govt school students appearing for #NEET this year. Inbox me the details like hall ticket, place where ur exam hall assigned will book the tickets for u.
— Prasanna (@Prasanna_actor) May 4, 2018
GV Prakash, who is often vocal about various causes, tweeted too with accurate helpline numbers.
#neet share max friends
— G.V.Prakash Kumar (@gvprakash) May 4, 2018
Others condemned this unnecessary need to travel all the way for an exam and tried to help in their own way.
There are venues available to open up wine shops in every street but it’s tough to find venues for #NEET exams in TN?? Atrocity reaching new heights!! Strongly condemn this….
BUT.. From ‘Ban NEET in TN’ to ‘Conduct NEET in TN’… whattey game..
A D V E R T I S E M E N TDo our voices really matter?
— karthik subbaraj (@karthiksubbaraj) May 4, 2018
#axessfilm and myself are ready to sponsor for 20 govt school students appearing in other states for #NEET 2018 details contact 9841777077
— arulnithi tamilarasu (@arulnithitamil) May 4, 2018
I can sponsor one NEET exam student to travel and stay and food. That’s how much I can afford. I’m not rich but can help one student. #NEET exam.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) May 4, 2018
When it comes to the NEET exam, people in Tamil Nadu are still reeling from the death of Anitha, a 17-year-old student from Ariyalur who committed suicide last year when she failed to secure a medical seat despite her efforts. She had earlier fought towards revising the syllabus for State Board students considering their peers of other boards were doing better.
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