Right after the Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC) strike was called, the Tamil film industry was all praises for the TFPC president, Vishal, for promising to bring transparency into the system. The actor, who has been vocal about his anti-piracy stand, has now been accused of having tie-ups with Lyca Productions in a piracy related case.
According to Savukku, an online whistleblower site, the actor and the president of the TFPC had allegedly hired an external agency to get information on piracy websites, including Tamil Rockers. He further claimed that all the domains were booked by ‘lycamovie.com,’ the website of Lyca Productions. The actor has allegedly made a deal with the production company who promised to finance Vishal’s films. The production company is helming films like 2.0 and Sabaash Naidu.
At a press conference on Sunday, director Bharathiraja, actor T Rajender, actor JK Rithesh and a few other Tamil film producers pulled up Vishal, stating that he has done nothing significant ever since he got elected.
As per latest reports, actor Radha Ravi, including a council of producers has called a meeting to deal with the issue and Ravi has lashed out at Vishal. A report from The Times Of India reads that Radha Ravi has questioned, “When Vishal had announced that big movies will release only 200+ theatres, how come his film alone can release in 300+ theatres?”
“Vishal promised to curb video piracy and claims to have nabbed the pirates. But he is hesitant to expose them,” he added.
Reacting to his accusations Vishal said, “That’s a huge allegation they are making on a production house (referring to the site claiming that a production house is involved in piracy) and I really do hope they have proof to substantiate their claim.” reported The Times Of India.
Lyca Productions, in the wake of this allegation, released a press release stating that they are not involved in any piracy related issues. The company has shown their disappointment over the Savakku report and says it’s against journalistic integrity and the report was carried without anyone verifying the claims with the production house.
The press statement also said that Lyca Productions has strongly advocated anti-piracy norms and has taken an extensive step to eradicated piracy issues totally out from the industry.
The Press Release From @LycaProductions clarifies that they have not indulged in #movie #piracy. It condemns media houses carrying baseless charges against them!@ElectionTp pic.twitter.com/CdfZJpUjQB
— RIAZ K AHMED (@RIAZtheboss) May 14, 2018