Kangana Ranaut has reunited with her Queen co-star Rajkummar Rao in Prakash Kovelamudi’s Mental Hai Kya. While the film’s whacky posters created much buzz, the makers have now revealed details about the lead actors’ roles in the film.
While Kangana will play a voice-over artist, Rajkummar Rao plays the role of an entrepreneur.
The first schedule of the film was shot in Mumbai, after which the team of Mental Hai Kya headed to London to shoot a few key sequences and songs. The movie will be shot in central London including the Tower Bridge, Oxford street and a Broadway theatre.
Talking about her role, Kangana said: “You’re never sure if this girl is hallucinating or what’s happening to her is for real, whether the guy (Rajkummar) is trying to trap her or she’s got him wrong.”
Apart from Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao, the film also stars Amyra Dastur and Satish Kaushik in pivotal roles.