A few days after actress Sri Reddy accused Nani of sexual harassment and alleged that he was the reason for her not being a part of the new season of Bigg Boss Telugu, lyricist Shreshta, who penned lyrics for Arjun Reddy and Pelli Choopulu, opened up about casting couch in an interview.
According to an India Today report, Shreshta said that sexual exploitation was not restricted only to the glamorous actresses in the industry, but even the lyricists had dark secrets they never spoke about.
Talking about her horrifying experience, the lyricist said that a producer’s wife had approached her, asking her to meet the sexual demands of her husband. When she refused, she was threatened by a man. “I was helpless. I warned them strongly and left the industry for a few months,” she said.
She further added that it was not just the men, but a lot of women in the industry were also involved in such things. It was due to such bad experiences that Shreshta had to postpone her career.
Meanwhile, Nani dismissed claims of having a physical relationship with Sri Reddy and further said that he would be taking taking legal action against the actress.