Through Kadaikutty Singam, director Pandiraj creates a world where farmers are prosperous and rule the roost. Father-son duo, played by Sathyaraj and Karthi, are successful farmers. Sathyaraj is popularly referred to as the man with two wives – played by Banupriya and Viki Chandrasekhar. Their family is a large, fun-loving one with Karthi being the lone son amidst a host of daughters.
Karthi plays the man who also says things like: “These days, the strongest man is not the one who shows his strength. But the one who doesn’t show his weakness.”
It would make a great inspirational poster.
It will also probably be lapped up by Karthi’s fans, who have a tendency to hang on to his every word.
Meanwhile, we encounter comic actor Soori who is jealous of the seemingly endless akka ponnus that Karthi seems to have.
Sayyeshaa is the village belle, and from what the trailer shows, she dances well and has clandestine meetings with Karthi. There’s also a song, where she is seen wearing a saree, in case all the salwar kameez looks made you think ‘Hindi Star’.
Pandiraj likes to pepper his films with family sentiments and strong emotional bonds. And Kadaikutty Singam is just that.
Karthi loves everybody and everybody loves him back. Except for the casteist villain who talks about a young couple thus: Ponnu namma ponnu; paiyyan vera pole (The girl is from our caste; the boy is different).
There’s a lot of action on screen. Bullock carts are employed alongside some mustache-twirling, six-pack showing action sequences.
The novelty lies in the fact that the film attempts to portray a different kind of family. Otherwise, it’s the same old gold.
Watch the trailer: