Five years back at the time of Vishwaroopam’s release, Kamal Haasan had found himself in the middle of a raging controversy, forcing the actor-director to issue a statement saying that he will leave the country, if the film is not allowed to release. This time around, though there is a lot of buzz around Vishwaroopam 2, the film’s team is relaxed and not engaged in putting out fires.
When Vishwaroopam was banned in Tamil Nadu by the late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, the actor had said, “Thiraikadal odi thiraviyam theduven” (I can travel overseas and earn my living). In a recent interview with The Times Of India, he said that he found it insulting that he had suggested running away from the country. He also said that it was shame on the then Chief Minister and the state government who denied artistic freedom and justice to Raaj Kamal Films International.
“But I fought back and we sued the government and came back. Like the hero of Thevar Magan, who wanted to go out of the country but came back, I became The Man,” he was quoted as saying.
Haasan, who took the political plunge this year with the formation of the party Makkal Needhi Maiam, was last seen in the 2015 release Thoongaa Vanam, a commercial failure. He had earlier said that the film is both a prequel and sequel to Vishwaroopam. “It has the answer for all the questions on Wisam Ahmad Kashmiri (Kamal’s character name in the film),” he said.
The story revolves around Major Wisam Ahmad Kashmiri who is now a RAW agent. The film also stars Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar, Rahul Bose and Shekhar Kapur in key roles and the music is by Ghibran. The film is set to release on August 10.