Priyanka Chopra will be a part of an upcoming film featuring Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt. The actor recently opted out of Hindi film Bharat, which was seen by many as her ‘comeback’ Indian film after a couple of years working on Hollywood series Quantico.
The working title of the Hollywood film is Cowboy Ninja Viking, and it is an adaptation of a comic book series by AJ Lieberman. It follows a special counter intelligence unit formed by psychotherapist Dr Sebastian Ghislain. The unit is made up of men and women with multiple personality disorder, known as Triplets. Pratt plays one such agent Duncan – who has the talents of a Cowboy, Ninja and Viking.
The series follows Duncan as he sets about hunting and destroying rogue Triplets, who become hired killers after the collapse of the unit.
Not much is known about Priyanka’s role at this point. Inital reports say that she will play Duncan’s love interest. In the comic book series, this character is called Sara Nix, an assistant of the man who runs the intelligence unit.
Michelle MacLaren, a director on the hit series Game of Thrones, is expected to direct the film. Ryan Engle, Dan Mazeau and Craig Mazin will take on the task of transforming the dystopian series into a Hollywood film. AJ Lieberman has also been given screenwriting credit for the film that has a tentative release date of June 28, 2019.
Guymon Casady and Ben Forkner produce Cowboy Ninja Viking alongwith Michael De Luca, Mark Gordon and Pratt. Universal Studios is also a producer on the project.
Priyanka is at present working on The Sky Is Pink, with Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. She also has Isn’t It Romantic?, a romantic comedy with Betty Gilpin and Liam Hemsworth.