Actor Jayaram and his family, through a Facebook live, made an emotional appeal urging people to contribute and help out with relief work in flood-hit Kerala. He also thanked the cops for rescuing his family, who were stuck in a landslide in Kuthiran, Thrissur district while on their way to a relief camp. The actor said that the cops accommodated them in the police quarters and ensured they had food supply.
The actor also thanked the Kerala Police, the state government and the state agencies for their efforts in carrying out the rescue operations.
Over one million people are now sheltered in 3,274 relief camps across Kerala and the death toll has been estimated to be around 370. While reports suggest that the floodwaters are receding in some parts, rescue operations and relief work are going on in full swing. Volunteers are working hard to ensure that relief materials reach the flood-affected people, while the others are rallying online to raise funds for the rehabilitation work.
Jayaram added, “We have started visiting various relief camps to distribute essential items to people. Food items are finishing fast and so are essential items, particularly for children. There is an urgent need for children’s food. Please send something, be it food packets or anything that children can eat. We have seen that there is a tremendous shortage of medicines as well. In my region, Thottuva, Perumbavoor and Vallam, there are thousands of people who are still stranded.”
Posted by Jayaram on Sunday, August 19, 2018
Actress Ananya, who has worked in films like Engeyum Eppodhum and Nadodigal, also posted a video stating that her house is under water and she has taken shelter at actress Asha Sharath’s house in Perumbavoor. She further said that many of her relatives’ houses have submerged in floodwaters and thanked everyone who came forward to help her family.
Posted by Ananyaa on Friday, August 17, 2018
Actor Prithviraj’s house was also affected and his mother, Mallika Sukumaran had to be rescued after water entered her residence in Kochi. Pictures of her sitting in a large floating tub while being escorted to safety had circulated online.
Meanwhile, many stars are helping out with relief work and raising funds.